Major League 26

Last Updated: 8/11/24 9:05:14 PM Central
Week 20, 2024
Team Opponents
First Born 450 (9-0) Dark Horse 283 (3-0)
Page Fence Giants 204 (3-0)
Al Davis Legacy 320 (3-0)
Royals 376 (8-1) Dave's Destroyers 334 (2-1)
Bottom of the pack 26 296 (3-0)
Bryce Krispies 287 (3-0)
Tuesday Afternoon 286 (8-1) Call to the Pen 223 (3-0)
Nashville Standard Giants 228 (3-0)
Temple of Doom 26 253 (2-1)
Dave's Destroyers 334 (5-4) Royals 376 (1-2)
Bottom of the pack 26 296 (2-1)
Bryce Krispies 287 (2-1)
Al Davis Legacy 320 (5-4) First Born 450 (0-3)
Dark Horse 283 (2-1)
Page Fence Giants 204 (3-0)
Temple of Doom 26 253 (5-4) Call to the Pen 223 (2-1)
Nashville Standard Giants 228 (2-1)
Tuesday Afternoon 286 (1-2)
Dark Horse 283 (4-5) First Born 450 (0-3)
Page Fence Giants 204 (3-0)
Al Davis Legacy 320 (1-2)
Bottom of the pack 26 296 (3-6) Dave's Destroyers 334 (1-2)
Royals 376 (0-3)
Bryce Krispies 287 (2-1)
Nashville Standard Giants 228 (3-6) Call to the Pen 223 (2-1)
Temple of Doom 26 253 (1-2)
Tuesday Afternoon 286 (0-3)
Bryce Krispies 287 (2-7) Dave's Destroyers 334 (1-2)
Royals 376 (0-3)
Bottom of the pack 26 296 (1-2)
Call to the Pen 223 (2-7) Nashville Standard Giants 228 (1-2)
Temple of Doom 26 253 (1-2)
Tuesday Afternoon 286 (0-3)
Page Fence Giants 204 (0-9) First Born 450 (0-3)
Dark Horse 283 (0-3)
Al Davis Legacy 320 (0-3)