Luis Rengifo

2nd Baseman, 3rd Baseman
Los Angeles Angels
Birthday: February 26, 1997   Age: 27
Yearly Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2021 LAA 53 1.94 103 2B 67th 82nd
3B 68th 69th
OF 176th 171st
SS 52nd 55th
2022 LAA 124 2.65 328 2B 37th 28th
3B 34th 26th
OF 80th 52nd
SS 32nd 23rd
2023 LAA 74 2.07 153 2B 68th 43rd
3B 65th 40th
OF 172nd 112th
SS 53rd 37th
Composite Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2022-2023 198 2.43 481 2B 45th 32nd
3B 50th 29th
OF 131st 64th
SS 43rd 25th
2021-2023 251 2.33 584 2B 51st 45th
3B 56th 43rd
OF 160th 101st
SS 47th 37th