Oswaldo Cabrera

Shortstop, 3rd Baseman
New York Yankees
Birthday: March 01, 1999   Age: 25
Yearly Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2022 NYA 40 2.88 115 2B 21st 79th
3B 20th 72nd
OF 52nd 162nd
SS 20th 60th
2023 NYA 63 1.86 117 2B 85th 56th
3B 79th 57th
OF 189th 142nd
SS 65th 50th
Composite Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2022-2023 103 2.25 232 2B 60th 71st
3B 61st 69th
OF 164th 157th
SS 52nd 56th
2021-2023 103 2.25 232 2B 60th 88th
3B 63rd 82nd
OF 176th 197th
SS 52nd 66th