Hunter Dozier

3rd Baseman
Los Angeles Angels
Birthday: August 22, 1991   Age: 32
Yearly Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2021 KC 143 2.44 349 1B 49th 34th
3B 39th 28th
OF 114th 62nd
2022 KC 125 2.49 311 1B 50th 37th
3B 47th 30th
OF 99th 64th
2023 KC 29 1.79 52 1B 85th 82nd
3B 85th 84th
OF 194th 185th
Composite Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2022-2023 154 2.36 363 1B 67th 49th
3B 54th 47th
OF 145th 107th
2021-2023 297 2.40 712 1B 67th 39th
3B 51st 32nd
OF 148th 72nd