Kike Hernandez

Outfielder, 3rd Baseman
Los Angeles Dodgers
Birthday: August 24, 1991   Age: 32
Yearly Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2021 Bos 134 3.25 435 2B 10th 16th
OF 33rd 33rd
SS 14th 15th
2022 Bos 90 2.70 243 2B 31st 49th
OF 72nd 98th
SS 26th 37th
2023 Bos-LAD 78 2.35 183 2B 45th 32nd
OF 140th 82nd
SS 43rd 31st
Composite Position Rankings
Year Proteam Games PPG Total Position PPG Rank Total Rank
2022-2023 168 2.54 426 2B 41st 40th
OF 114th 86th
SS 38th 29th
2021-2023 302 2.85 861 2B 24th 23rd
OF 68th 54th
SS 27th 16th